
Template files

Templates can be of any file type, named whatever you want, and placed at any desirable path. If you want to write a template for a file named “example.conf” it is recommended that you name it “template.example.conf”.


When you write templates, you use {{ placeholders }} which Astrality replaces with values defined in so-called context sections defined in $ASTRALITY_CONFIG_HOME/context.yml.

Here is an example which defines context values in “context.yml”:


    user: jakobgm
    os: linux
    hostname: hyperion

    1: FuraCode Nerd Font
    2: FuraMono Nerd Font


Context keys (anything left of a colon) can only consist of ASCII letters, numbers and underscores. No spaces are allowed.

Inserting context variables into your templates

You should now be able to insert context values into your templates. You can refer to context variables in your templates by using the syntax {{ context_section.variable_name }}.

Using the contexts defined above, you could write the following template:

font-type = '{{ fonts.1 }}'
home-directory = /home/{{ machine.user }}
machine-name = {{ machine.hostname }}

When Astrality compiles your template the result would be:

font-type = 'FuraCode Nerd Font'
home-directory = /home/jakobgm
machine-name = hyperion


You can create arbitrarily nested structures within context sections. For instance:

            family: FuraCode
            font_size: 13
            family: FuraMono
            font_size: 9

And refer to those nested variables with “dotted” syntax {{ cosmetics.fonts.1.family }}.

The env context

Astrality automatically inserts a context section at runtime named env. It contains all your environment variables. You can therefore insert environment variables into your templates by writing:


Undefined context values

When you refer to a context value which is not defined, it will be replaced with an empty string, and logged as a warning in Astrality’s standard output.

Default fallback context values

Sometimes you want to refer to context variables in your templates, but you want to insert a fallback value in case the context variable is not defined at compile time. This is often the case when referring to environment variables. Defining a fallback value is easy:

{{ env.ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_NAME or 'defualt value' }}

Integer placeholder resolution

There exists another way to define fallback values, which sometimes is much more useful.

Let’s define context values with integer names:


    1: FuraCode Nerd Font
    2: FuraMono Nerd Font

You can now write the following template:

primary-font = '{{ fonts.1 }}'
secondary-font = '{{ fonts.2 }}'
tertiary-font = '{{ fonts.3 }}'

And it will be compiled to:

primary-font = 'FuraCode Nerd Font'
secondary-font = 'FuraMono Nerd Font'
tertiary-font = 'FuraMono Nerd Font'

With other words, references to non-existent numeric context identifiers are replaced with the greatest available numeric context identifier at the same indentation level.


This construct can be very useful when you are expecting to change the underlying context of templates. Defining font types and color schemes using numeric identifiers allows you to switch between themes which define a different number of fonts and colors to be used!

Advanced templating

Astrality templating uses Jinja2 under the hood. If you want to apply more advanced templating techniques than the ones described here, you can use the extended templating features available in the Jinja2 templating engine. Visit Jinja2’s templating documentation for more information.

Useful constructs include:

For manipulating context variables before insertion.
Template inheritance:
For reuse of templates with common sections.
Iterating over context values:
For using both the context name and value in configuration files.
For only including template content if some conditions(s) are satisfied.

The shell filter

Astrality provides an additional shell template filter in addition to the standard Jinja2 filters. The syntax is:

{{ 'shell command' | shell }}


Shell commands are run from the directory which contains the configuration for the template compilation, most often $ASTRALITY_CONFIG_HOME. If you need to refer to paths outside this directory, you can use absolute paths, e.g. {{ 'cat ~/.bashrc' | shell }}.

You can specify a timeout for the shell command given in seconds:

{{ 'shell command' | shell(5) }}

The default timeout is 2 seconds.

To provide a fallback value for functions that time out or return non-zero exit codes, do:

{{ 'shell command' | shell(1.5, 'fallback value') }}


The quotes around the shell command are important, since if you ommit the quotes, you end up refering to a context value instead. Though, this can be done intentionally when you have defined a shell command in a context variable.

How to compile templates

Now that you know how to write Astrality templates, you might wonder how to actually compile these templates. You can instruct Astrality to compile templates by defining a module in “$ASTRALITY_CONFIG_HOME/modules.yml”. More on this on the next page of this documentation, but here is a simple example:

Let us assume that you have written the following template:

# Source: $ASTRALITY_CONFIG_HOME/templates/some_template

current_user={{ host.user }}

Where you want to replace {{ host.user }} with your username. Let us define the context value used for insertion in “$ASTRALITY_CONFIG_HOME/context.yml”:

# Source: $ASTRALITY_CONFIG_HOME/context.yml

    user: {{ env.USER }}

In order to compile this template to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/config.ini we write the following module, which will compile the template on Astrality startup:

# Source: $ASTRALITY_CONFIG_HOME/modules.yml

        - content: templates/template
          target: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/config.ini

Now we can compile the template by starting Astrality:

$ astrality

The result should be:

# Source: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/config.ini


This is probably a bit overwhelming. I recommend to just continue to the next page to get a more gentle introduction to these concepts.