
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[1.1.1] - 2018-11-27


  • Astrality now cleans up directories created by the compile, stow, symlink and copy actions when modules are cleaned up with the –cleanup flag.

[1.1.0] - 2018-06-24


  • Astrality no longer reverts to using the example configuration when ASTRALITY_CONFIG_HOME/astrality.yml does not exist. Default values are are used instead, and a warning is logged. Use --create-example-config to get create the example configuration instead.
  • GitHub modules are now cloned to $XDG_DATA_HOME/astrality/repositories/github instead of $ASTRALITY_CONFIG_HOME/<modules_directory>.

[1.0.3] - 2018-06-17


  • Astrality is now marked as “production/stable” on PyPI.


  • Fixed bug which caused $ASTRALITY_LOGGING_LEVEL and astrality -l <logging_level> to be ignored.
  • Astrality now catches errors caused by starting the file system watcher. It logs the error and continues on without watching the error in such a case.

[1.0.2] - 2018-05-25


  • Fixed lint errors in documentation which caused incorrect rendering on PyPI.

[1.0.1] - 2018-05-24


  • Added missing dependency python-dateutil to

[1.0.0] - 2018-05-24


  • New symlink action type.
  • New copy action type.
  • New stow action type. This action allows you to either compile+symlink or compile+copy, bisecting a directory based on filename regular expression matching.
  • You can now compile all templates recursively within a directory. Just set content to a directory path. target must be a directory as well, and the relative file hierarchy is preserved.
  • You can now specify which filenames are considered templates when compiling directories recursively.
  • Template target filenames can now be renamed by specifying a regular expression capture group.
  • Non-template files can now be either symlinked, copied, or ignored.
  • The run action now supports timeout option, in order to set run_timeout on command-by-command basis.
  • compile actions now support an optional permissions field for setting the permissions of the compiled template. It allows setting octal values such as '755', and uses the UNIX chmod API.
  • Module requirements can now specify required programs and environment variables by using the dictionary keys installed and env respectively.
  • You can now set requires timeout on a case-by-case basis.
  • Add new --module CLI flag for running specific modules.
  • on_startup blocks can now optionally be implicitly defined at the root indentation level in the module.
  • You can now run astrality with --dry-run in order to check which actions that will be executed.
  • Modules can now depend on other modules with the module requires keyword.
  • Modules can now place action in a setup block, only to be executed once.
  • You can now execute astrality --reset-setup module_name in order to clear executed module setup actions.
  • Files created by compile, copy, stow, and symlink actions are now persisted and cleaned up when executing astrality --cleanup MODULE. Files that are overwritten by Astrality are backed up and restored on clean up.


  • astrality.yml has now been split into three separate files: astrality.yml for global configuration options, modules.yml for global modules, and context.yml for global context.

  • Directory module config file config.yml has been renamed and split into modules.yml and context.yml. See point above.

  • The run module action is now a dictionary instead of a string. This enables us to support additional future options, such as timeout. Now you specify the shell command to be run as a string value keyed to shell.

    Old syntax:

        - command1
        - command2

    New syntax:

        - shell: command1
        - shell: command2
  • The trigger module action is now a dictionary instead of a string. Now you specify the block to be triggered as a string value keyed to block. on_modified blocks need to supply an additional path key indicating which file modification block to trigger.

    Old syntax

        - on_startup
        - on_modified:path/to/file

    New syntax:

        - block: on_startup
        - block: on_modified
          path: path/to/file
  • Template metadata is now copied to compilation targets, including permission bits. Thanks to @sshashank124 for the implementation!

  • The trigger action now follows recursive trigger actions. Beware of circular trigger chains!

  • recompile_modified_templates has been renamed to reprocess_modified_files, as this option now also includes copied files.

  • Astrality will now only recompile templates that have already been compiled when reprocess_modified_files is set to true.

  • The template compile action keyword has now been replaced with content. This keyword makes more sense when we add support for compiling all templates within a directory. It also stays consistent with the new action types that have been added.

    Old syntax

        - template: path/to/template

    New syntax:

        - content: path/to/template
  • The module list items within the module requires option is now a dictionary, where shell commands are specified under the shell keyword. This allows other requirement types (see Added section).

    Old syntax

        - './shell/'

    New syntax:

        - shell: './shell/script'
  • Astrality now automatically quits if there is no reason for it to continue running.

  • When no compilation target is specified for a compile action, Astrality now creates a deterministic file within $XDG_DATA_HOME/astrality/compilations to be used as the compilation target. This behaves better than temporary files when programs expect files to still be present after Astrality restarts.

  • Astrality is now more conservative when killing duplicate Astrality processes by using a pidfile instead of pgrep -f astrality.


  • If a import_context action imported specified from_section but not to_section, the section was not imported at all. This is now fixed by setting to_section to the same as from_section.
  • Template path placeholders are now normalized, which makes it possible to refer to the same template path in different ways, using symlinks and .. paths.
  • Module option requires_timeout is now respected.
  • Astrality no longer kills processes containing “astrality” in their command line invocation.